This shawl has been around, let me tell you. Several Stitch 'n' Bitch meetings, several open mics, two shows by the wonderful Bookdrop Bees, and one show by the equally wonderful Almost Awake, just to name a few. I watched a little too much TV while knitting it--mainly House and Becker--and it accompanied me while RPing in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.
Here it is before blocking. It looked kind of bunched up and scraggly.
Then, thanks to the amazing process that is pin blocking... came out gorgeous.
I'll admit it, I'm pretty darn proud of this one. For a first excursion into lace, I'd say it came out pretty well. It took me a little over a month of dilligent knitting once I stopped having to rip it out. There are a few little mistakes, but they're only noticeable if you know where to look, which, honestly, I don't! For the edging, I had to re-learn a few crochet stitches, and I think it came out all right.
This was definitely an adventure, and I'd like to make more shawls in the future, but for now I'm going to stick with smaller projects. Stephanie had another yarn sale a couple of weeks ago, and I picked up enough Regia self-striping sock yarn to make three pairs of socks. I also have my eye on the Peapod baby set from the Interweave Knits website, which everyone's favorite Yarn Harlot has already knit quite beautifully. I have some pastel yellow and off-white in the stash that I think will do nicely for when I'm ready to knit it myself.
So, onward and upward to smaller things for now. As fall approaches (argh, don't even want to think about that yet!), I'll probably go back to sweaters and suchlike. But first, I hope I can get a little summer knitting into the short bit of warmth that passes for summer in the northeast!
Mood: tired
Music: Almost Awake - In the Past