Progress on the Heirloom Aran! This is the back, finished a couple of days ago after many, many hours of M*A*S*H, Perry Mason, Stitch & Bitch, and Red Dwarf. (I watch far too much television while knitting.) I'm proud of it and happy with the way it came out, with the exception of one tiny little mis-crossed cable that I'm not obsessive-compulsive enough to bother to try and fix. I doubt anybody is going to be standing in line behind me at the grocery store, looking for mistakes in my sweater.
Remember my nemesis, the Red Sweater of Doom? I finished the increases on the sleeve I've been working on. I started knitting the straight part. I got to 17.5" of the 18" I'm supposed to have before binding off. Then tonight I measured it again and I somehow have 17.25". Not only is this sweater a major pain in the butt, it also apparently has some kind of shrinking powers designed specially to drive me crazy!
More soon. Now, time for Lost, and the continuing battle with my nemesis...