I have this thing for sweaters. Scarves and such are all right, and good to knit if you don't want to have to pay much attention, but sweaters are really my bag. I like making something semi-complicated that someone will be able to wear when it's done. I like browsing for yarn and thinking how comfortable the sweater is going to be when it's done.
Which is basically how I've gotten myself a list of sweaters to knit. It started with the one I'm currently working on (see the picture in the previous entry), and branched out from there.
Thanks to Al, I'm a rabid browser of Knitty. It's a great online knitting magazine with an issue for every season, and when the Winter '05 issue came out, Tubey caught my eye. I've never seen a sweater knit that way before, and I think it'll be a challenge. Plus the color possibilities, especially if I use Wool of the Andes, are practically limitless.
Also thanks to Al, I've started browsing knitting books whenever I'm at Borders. I found a great one called Vintage Knits a couple of months ago, and some of the sweaters in it are gorgeous and look very comfortable. Plus, there's a cardigan in it that looks like something Remus Lupin (of Harry Potter fame) would wear, and, rabid fangirl that I am, I'd love to make it.
Then KnitPicks sent me a catalogue, because I've started buying their yarn, and I found this pattern. I've wanted to do something with a lot of cables for a while now and, though I have a book of fishermen's sweaters, this seems like a better place to start. It doesn't have quite as many cables as the fisherman's sweater I've been eyeing, plus it looks extremely comfortable and fun to knit.
And last, but certainly not least, there's this:
(thanks to Mandy of Thewlis Rox for the screencap)
It's a screencap of David Thewlis as Johnny in Mike Leigh's Naked, which I've been rather obsessed with for about a year and a half despite never having seen it.
Ever since I started knitting seriously, I've developed the habit of looking carefully at knitted items that I find interesting, be they in films or real life. It took me a while to notice how neat this sweater is, because in most of the screencaps I've come across, he's wearing a coat that hides most of it. But I finally got a good look at it a few days ago and have been messing around with the demo of KnitWare Sweaters to try and generate a pattern for it.
I figure all of this will keep me busy well into the spring, at least. Plus there were a couple, smaller things that I was thinking of doing, like a fair isle hat and glove set to use the alpaca yarn I bought back in October. For now I'll focus on the sweaters and hopefully get them all done!
Mood: creative
Music: Heather Alexander - Last Mourner
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